Making Wellbeing Work from Home, Episode 2: Financial wellbeing

In this week’s episode of Making Wellbeing Work from Home, Ollie Smith is joined by Catherine Morgan, founding director and financial coach at The Money Panel, Matthew Walne, director of Santorini Financial Planning, Initiative for Financial Wellbeing founder Chris Budd and corporate wellbeing consultant Amy Mckeown, to dissect the different ways Covid-19 has impacted our economy.

At a time of severe financial disruption for individuals and families across the world, our panel discusses how now is a better time than ever to disrupt our money culture and its prominent role in our happiness. From debt to out-dated mindsets and social norms, this episode looks at how changing the perception of money from goal to tool could have long-term ramifications for our mental health.

Head over to NMA for the full episode

Make sure to check out last week’s episode, focused on mental health!